Monday, February 14, 2011

Lower Your Latency!

Sorry for not posting recently, I know this isn't a botting or gold guide, but I find this tool amazing and had to share it.
Leatrix Latency Fix is a free tool which lowers your latency in WoW, and for me even cut it down by 2/3.
My latency went from 255 to 50 right after using this tool. It is 100% legal and non bannable, and has been talked about on many forums.
Feel free to check it out on Here:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gold farming tip of the day!

I am excited to share with you guys an awesome farming spot where you can make 2000 gold an hour.

Farming Volatile Fire in Twilight Highlands

Head over to Cannon’s Inferno in Twilight Highlands, make sure you bring your fishing rod.

Here you’ll be looking for the mobs Enslaved Infernos which drop volatile fire.

The first time I came here and starting killing the Infernos I found I quickly ran out of them to kill and was waiting around for respawn times, hardly good for a high gold/hour or drop rate, but there is another catch to this particular farming spot for volatile fire that makes it so sweet:Fishing Volatile Fire from Pool of Fire

I totally forgot about these since the last time I did fishing was back in Burning Crusade. 4 different pools of fire spawn around in the lava that fish a volatile fire everytime, you can get anywhere from 1-3 volatile fires per cast and can cast 3 times on the same pool. So you could potentially get 9 volatile fires per pool x 4 pools = 36 volatile fires in about 5 minutes! That is with some big luck but even average out at 6 per pool x 4 pools = 24!

The pools of fire take between 5-10 minutes to respawn.

Here are the spawnlocations for the pools

You can tell where a pool is when there is flame coming up from the lava, don’t be fooled by the flames that are on the edges of the lava and rock as those aren’t pools.
These pools also show up if you use the track fish which can be gotten from the weatherbeaten journal at level 100

The best part is that there is no required fishing level to fish the pools, you can do it right from level 1 as long as you have a fishing pole with you.

I farmed this spot for an hour, making sure I first fished the pools to start their respawn timer then I proceeded in killing all the Enslaved Infernos, even the 3 spawns that are over the hill, there would be about a 1 minute wait time for respawns then the whole cycle would repeat again.

In an hour of farming this spot I was able to get 86 Volatile Fire’s. They sell for 22g on my server meaning I made 1,892g.

That isn’t including the green item drops, crackling crystals and shimmering shards.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Botting Guide

I thought I'd review the botting guide found Here. I downloaded this botting guide for $15.99 which I thought was a bit expensive, but turned out to be totally worth it. This botting guide taught me a lot of things which I didn't know about botting, and I have been botting since the beginning of WoWGlider, years ago.
Everything laid out is simple, though very in depth.  There are also great profiles included. Check it out by clicking Here!
Review: 9/10

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gold Tip For Today

When there is pyrite ore for cheap (on my server 150-250g / stack ) you probably should buy it if you have the money. The price will go sky high when epic gems come out, as they will only be prospectable from pyrite ore. I'm expecting the price to at least double.
Feel free to check out the ad's on this blog, help me to be able to keep posting!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bl1zz4rDs FishY Bot

Bl1zz4rDs FishY Bot is a great fishing bot and my personal favorite, I hardly ever fish, but for some people it is the preferred way to make gold in WoW. I have tried this bot out for a couple of days now and am very pleased, it is easy to use and very lightweight.
- Fixed Location Fishing (Stand in one location and fish.)
- School Tracking (The bot takes the flying mount and fishes in schools of fish.)
- Fight Back (If someone attacks you, the bot will fight back.)
- Auto Unstuck
- Lure Supported 

My Rating: 8/10
