Sunday, January 30, 2011

Huge Amounts of Gold from JC/Enchanting

This is not my guide, however I personally have been using it to net me around 10K per day with only an hour or so of work each day. I thought I would share it, keep coming back for more gold tips and botting guides!

First off, search the auction house for level 81+ greens/blues weapons/armor.
Figure out the price of 2 hypnotic dusts (mine is about 10g ea so I'll buy greens up to 20g) and set that as your buyout limit for armor. If it's item lvl 316+ offer more because it can disenchant into 1-3 greater celestial essence (greaters go for about 50g on my server so I'll buy out ilvl 316+ for about 40g).

Next search for nightstone, hessonite, alicite, carnelian, and jasper gems. Buy them if they are the same price as 1 dust (so 10g ea on my server). Buy the jasper if they are the price of 2 dusts (it only takes one to make a piece of jewelry compared to the others, so 20g on my server) Then search for carnelian and buy them out for 1/3 the price of a greater essence. It takes 3 to make an item level 317 weapon which disenchants into 1-3 greaters, you can buy them out for more if you're feeling lucky.
These are the JC patterns used to make the items:
Jasper Ring (1 jasper)
Alicite Pendant (2 alicite)
Hessonite Band (2 hessonite)
Nightstone Choker (2 nightstone)
Carnelian Spikes (3 carnelian)

Next, try to find an average price of all the gems. If it's worth it buy obsidian/elementium ore to prospect. You will usually get 1-2 gems sometimes 3, from 5 ore.

Prospect all your ores, create all your jewelry, disenchant all your greens. Sell the zephyrite and any (blue rarity) gems you got on the AH, sell all your blue rarity jewelry you may have created from jewelcrafting (they go for 100-300g on my server), sell all your disenchant mats and enjoy your profits.

You can easily turn 2,000g into 15,000 over a few days

Spent about 8k on the ores/gems and made 14k a couple hours later, still a decent amount of stuff on the AH. Almost doubled my money for about an hour worth of crafting/DE'ing (rest of enchant mats sold while I was eating dinner, 10k to 23k, not too shabby)

Click Here for a in depth botting guide.

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