Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quick way to make gold

I know this is a botting blog, but every week I'll be sharing one of my favorite ways to make gold in World of Warcraft.
What you are farming (Green = most common, Yellow = less common):
1 Volatile fires (20g each) From the "Pools of fire" (this is what you need fishing for)
2 Elementium Ore (5g each)
3 Pyrite Ore (10-20g each)
4 Twilight Jasmine (10g each)
5 Cinderbloom (4-6g each)
6 Volatile Life (7-10g each) (Are obtained from the herbs, but you should know this...)

(NOTE: Prices are as of my server, results may differ.)

-Fishing in a Pool of Fire with only get you Volatile Fire, no junk. So it is very effective and only requires level 1 fishing.
-Pool of Fire spawn timer = 15 mins
-Pools of Fire always spawn in the exact same location
-This route is roughly 1000% more profitable if done during 1-8am on a weekday. (which is the only time I do it)
-If you are under 85, you may encounter opposing factions' 85's
-On a 15 minute cooldown (hearthstone, with the guild perk bonus) you should be active 90% of the time gathering nodes. After I hit Hyjal I usually have to wait ~1-2 minutes on the hearth cool-down.

-Start with Twilight Highlands first, as there is a portal you can use to port back to Org..
-Follow the yellow and make sure that you are on the right side of the river, you should see nodes 2, 3, 4, and 5. Once you reach the lava there should be 4 "Pool of Fire" nodes (again, assuming no one else is farming them) you should get anywhere from 3-12 Volatile Fire per "Pool of Fire" node.
-Once done with the pools of fire, follow the other trail back to Dragonmaw Port (on this trail you should encounter nodes 2, 3, 4, and 5)
-Port to Org and take the port to Hyjal, then follow this route....

Good Luck!
Click Here for a in depth botting guide.

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